Uncertain Future

14457341_10153940369498059_1321782115356490662_nIt’s been a year since I posted to Willow & Birch, yet we continue to homeschool, but there’s been little of note to break from our routine.

We’re expecting another child in August, and we’re not feeling remotely prepared. You’d think after twenty years of parenting, we’d have a handle on things, but no. Our routine will soon change, and we’re working to determine how to rearrange everything to make space for this new little person to fit into our lives. We chose to try for one more, but we weren’t expecting for our decision to become reality quite so fast (that very night).

Given my mixed success with pregnancy, we’re all being cautiously optimistic. It does have me re-evaluating where my focus needs to be, and it may come to pass that this blog doesn’t make the cut. I will continue to retain the archives, but I haven’t had the energy, time, or focus to give this blog the attention it and you, the readers, deserve. Not for some time.

The classes I teach will also be put on hiatus until the little one is old enough for me to feel safe having them in someone else’s care for a couple of hours a month.

I might change my mind at some later date. There are drafts I never completed for posts I thought would be of interest, but lost momentum. I might wish to revisit them, but I cannot say at this moment what may come to pass in the coming months.

Thank you for following me through our homeschooling journey, despite the intermittent and inconsistent posts. I appreciate each of you who shared along, commented, or joined me elsewhere on the web.

For now, my focus is on preparing for the new baby and narrowing the number of places online I spend my energy. If you’re interested in updates about my creative works (i.e. science fiction, fantasy, horror, and poetry), the best places to find me are on Twitter and Patreon. Published works are currently available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Blessed be.

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